Tag Archives: Fritz chess database

Manual input of games into Fritz/Rybka

If you’ve been playing chess any length of time, you have gobs of old scoresheets lying around, maybe whole books of them. You’d love to be able to input these games into the Fritz family of playing programs (Fritz, Hiarcs, Junior, Shredder, and Rybka) to have a chess engine analyze them, but you don’t know how to do it.

Guess what today’s topic is going to be? Continue reading

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Filed under Chess playing software, Chess software, ChessBase, Fritz, Hiarcs, Junior, Rybka, Shredder

Importing PGN games into the Fritz/Rybka interface

There’s one more topic we need to cover before we discuss how to use the analysis features in the Fritz family of playing programs (Fritz, Rybka, Hiarcs, Shredder, and Junior) to actually improve our play: how do we get games other than ones we’ve played against the computer into a database for analysis? Continue reading

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Filed under chess, Chess DVD, Chess playing software, Chess software, Fritz, Hiarcs, Junior, Rybka, Shredder